BPE 510 consists of polyethylene loaded with
30% boron. It is an effective thermal neutron
poison; containing 1.8 x 1022 boron atoms per
cc. BPE 510 is available in slabs, bricks,
rods, and cylinders. BPE 510 can thus
thermalize the neutrons via fast neutron
collisions with hydrogen atoms, then absorb
the thermalize neutrons via absorption by the
boron atoms. This process is effectively
accomplished because of the high densities of
BPE 510 is radiation shielding is especially
useful for the control of criticality. Control
of criticality is of utmost importance during
all phases of power reactor fuel handling,
including reprocessing. In order to assure
neutron isolation during these stages,
materials containing high concentrations of
boron are frequently used.
Properties : - E =
Excellent M = Moderate P = Poor N/A = Not